Telegram founder Pavel Durov, who was charged and released on bail in France, has commented on the simulation for the first time. He believes that the country should sue the company, not prosecute its CEO. Durov emphasized that Telegram has always fought violations and will continue to do so.
In his post, which has garnered more than 3 million views, Durov said that after arriving in France, he was interrogated for four days. He was charged for refusing to provide the authorities with user data.
Durov expressed surprise at the charges, since Telegram has a representative in the EU, and he himself has often visited the French consulate in Dubai. The founder also noted that his company cooperates with the authorities to combat terrorist threats.
According to Durov, blaming the CEO for the actions of third parties is the wrong approach. He believes that no innovator will create new tools if they are personally responsible for abuses.
He stressed that he was ready to leave markets that were incompatible with Telegram's principles, and said that the service removes millions of malicious posts daily.