I wish that I didn't just wish.
- Oh, the salt spilled - that means a fight.
- Maybe it will work out?
- No, darling. I've already set myself up.
- Why haven't you gotten married yet?
- Yes, I bring home girls, my mother doesn't like them!
- Bring one like your mother.
- I brought one, my dad started yelling!
- Mom, tell me, how should I behave so that a guy marries me?
- It all depends on whether you just want to get married or stay there...
- Darling, the tip of my tongue hurts, I must have bitten it.
Please look.
- Everything is fine,
I didn't bite it. It's just the time has come - it has started to split in two.
- Dad, are dinosaurs tasty?
- Ask grandma.
Dad went to put his daughter to bed.
After some time, his daughter comes out of the nursery and says:
- That's it.
- What's that? - Mom asks, frightened.
- Dad fell asleep.
A woman complains to her friend:
- I've been forcing my husband to start renovating the toilet for a whole week!
- So what?
- On Saturday, he posted a sign on it:
"Toilet under renovation" – and went to the garage.
- You oversalted it.
- It's probably because I love you.
- How much do you have to love me to oversalt your tea?
- Mommy, when I grow up, will I have a husband too?
- Of course, if you are a good girl...
- And if I'm not a good girl?
- Then there will be many...
- Why do you always ask when I'll marry you?
- I like to see the fear in your eyes.
- Tell me, am I fat?
- No, of course not. But do I understand correctly that there will still be a scandal?
- Darling, I found your stash completely by accident!
- So you want to say that you completely by accident climbed into the ventilation for 10 meters?
- Do you have letters of recommendation?
- Here: "He is a very good boy, hire him." - What kind of letter is this?
- It's from mom.
- What do you feed your husband?
- Well, what? What we eat ourselves, we give him