Who is my child?

Many mothers are concerned about the question: is their child left-handed or right-handed? Mothers watch the child, trying to figure it out. And the child himself, as if on purpose, takes objects with his left hand, then with his right, confusing the mother.

Many mothers do not even suspect that there are not only right-handed and left-handed people in the world. And that pure, true right-handed and left-handed people are an extremely rare phenomenon, and most people are classified as "right-handed" and "left-handed." They do not know that only pure right-handed and left-handed people are easily distinguished from birth, and in most children the leading side can be determined only by 3-5 years.

First of all, let's figure out by what features people are divided into varieties.

In total, there are five varieties of people, based on the leading half of the body.

1. Pure right-handed.

Rarely encountered. The leading eye, ear, hand and foot are always right. The left side of the body is rather awkward compared to the right, therefore, in case of damage to the right hand, etc., it cannot fully take over the functions of the damaged side. It is not amenable to retraining to be left-handed (however, this is not necessary).

2. Right-handers.

The majority of the population. They use the right side of the body more actively, but when testing, there is no clear dominance of the right side: either they use part of the organs on the left side, or they use not only the right, but also the left side of the body. In case of damage to the right hand, etc., the left pair easily duplicates the functions of the damaged side. If necessary, they retrain to be left-handed.

3. Ambidexters.

They are extremely rare. There is no dominant half of the body, both sides are equally well developed and are used equally actively. In everyday life, they use the right hand more often, not because it is more convenient, but because most tools were created for the right hand. They often divide functions between the sides of the body (for example, many ambidextrous children write better with their right hand and draw with their left, because they got used to it at school, where such a distribution gave them the opportunity to write and draw at the same time).

4. Left-handed.

Relatively common. Mistaken for left-handed. They use the left side more actively.

There is no clear dominance in testing. In case of injury, the right hand, etc., easily takes over the functions of the left. They can be retrained to be right-handed.

5. Pure left-handed.

Rare. The leading side of the body is the left. In case of injury, the right side cannot fully take over the functions of the left. They cannot be retrained to be right-handed.

It is also worth noting that, in addition to the five varieties listed above, there are also so-called hidden right-handed and left-handed people. All tests reveal one side of the body as leading, and brain research reveals the other. This situation may arise if, for some reason, in early childhood, the child was forced to relearn to use more actively the wrong side of the body, which was intended by nature. In this case, you should first understand the reasons for this discrepancy, and then decide whether or not to retrain the "hidden right-hander" to use the right side of the body more actively.